Wesley Methodist Church Klang

Reconnect with God and People

John 13: 34 & 35
“A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”

Relationship is an essential aspect of our lives. We are made to be in connection with God and with one another. We are called to love one another just as Jesus has loved us. The anchor verse from John 13: 34 & 35 speaks about a new command that Jesus gave his disciples. It is important for us to notice that Jesus is speaking to his disciples of this new command. He is speaking to this group of disciples who have been with Jesus. These disciples are to love one another just like how Jesus has loved them so that others may know that they are Jesus’ disciples.

How can we as a church love each other so that others may know that we are disciples of Jesus? Firstly, we need to know and experience the love of Jesus in our lives. Our experience of the love of Christ should lead us to love others in the same manner. Therefore, as a church we are called to reconnect ourselves to God so that we may once again experience His Love in our lives. We are then called to reconnect with people so that we may share the love of Christ with one another. We want to be able to reach out to those whom God has placed within our circles of influences – be it our family, work and neighbourhood.

As such, we would be focusing our attention in knowing God. We need to know God in the way that Scriptures teaches us of Him so that we may learn to love Him. We then want to be intentional in connecting with other lovingly so that more will come to the saving knowledge of God


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