Tyranny of the urgent describes a life that is unjustly run by pressing issues that require immediate attention. It is constantly being bogged down with situations and circumstances that pull for your TIME, and ENERGY. When living under “the tyranny of the urgent” life is a “Rat Race” and we are always behind. Our problem is not one of “time” but one of “priorities.”
• We let other people’s demands drive us to a point of frustration, when quite simple we need to learn to “just say no.”
• We let urgent things crowd out important things.
The urgent things that call for immediate action put extreme pressure on us every hour of every day. The important things like prayer, studying the Word, encouraging others in the Lord…these are the things that wait.
Is there any escape from “the tyranny of the urgent?” Let’s look at the life of Jesus for that answer. The night before He died He made a claim in John 17:4 “I have finished the work which You have given Me to do.” Keep in mind that His ministry was only three years old. There was much to be done yet, teaching, preaching, and miracles of salvation, healing and deliverance. Yet, with confidence and peace He could say, “I have finished the work.”
When we look at the life of Jesus we see a life of:
1. Perfect Timing
2. Wonderful Balance
3. Being in tune with God
Why were those things present in His life? I believe the answer can be found in Mark 1:35 which says, “In the morning, a great while before day, He rose and went out to a lonely place, and there He prayed.” He talked with His Father.
• He prayerfully waited for instructions and strength
• He discerned the Father’s will for His life, day by day
As a result He was able to ward off the urgent and accomplish the important. A perfect case point is that of Lazarus. Jesus received the message that His friend was close to death and that He should go to him. Yet we see in John 11:6 that He stayed “two more days in the place where He was.” By the time He got to Bethany, Lazarus had been in the tomb four days. The urgent thing was the demand for Jesus to go at once and heal Lazarus. The important thing was the thing that would have the most lasting impact: RAISING HIM FROM THE DEAD.
There is a big difference in doing a “good thing” and doing the “right thing.” And, there is a price to be paid in order to do the right thing, but the reward will be so sweet if only we do not give in to the pull of the “urgent.” God has promised that if we abide (hold and maintain fellowship, remain) in His Word, then He will instruct us concerning the truth. We will know the truth about:
1. What He desires 2. What He expects 3. What He accepts
We cannot be effective in our lives and ministries if we do not stay plugged in to The Source not only of the The One Who has all the answers but also The One Who has the ability to perform what needs to be performed in people’s lives.