The 9 Fold Fruit Of The Holy Spirit

The fruit of the Holy Spirit is virtues (graces) that influence the character of the Christian.  In order to live the life that God wants us, His sons and daughters, to live, He didn’t leave us alone, with only our own abilities, but rather gave us His Spirit to produce fruit (manifest itself) in our lives. 

The internal character

Love– this is an unselfish love like that found in Jesus Christ – 1 Corinthians 13:1-8

Joy– this is a happiness or contentment that lasts even when there are reasons to feel sad – 2 Corinthians 6:10; Philippians 4:4; Hebrews 10:34

Peace– this is a tranquillity of spirit that doesn’t change as circumstances alter – Philippians 4:7,9

The character as expressed toward men (outwardly)

Patience – this is not getting upset or angry when one thinks he has a reason to do so or when someone “does you wrong”; includes perseverance and not becoming upset or angered when one thinks he is right or being mistreated – 1 Peter 2:20

Kindness – this is a kind attitude expressed toward other people; it is not a weakness of conviction or character

Goodness – this is doing (and being) good to other people, like the example God has given us

The character in its relationship to God

Faithfulness – here the idea is faithfulness to the Lord and in what one does for Him – Luke 8:15

Gentleness – this is not having a higher opinion of oneself than one should; not getting angry easily; it is seen in        our relationships with others – Matthew 11:29; Colossians 3:12

Self-control –  this   is    personal discipline or control in all aspects of one’s life, especially with passions; it also relates to things like the consumption of food and drink, the use of leisure time, and the way we handle our money – Matthew 4:1-11; 1 Corinthians 10:13


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