Sunday Morning Worship Service – 21st July 2024

Speaker: Ms Taeko Funaoka
Sermon Title: Humility and Trust in the Lord
Scripture Text: Psalm 131: 1 – 3

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Psalm 120 – 134 are titled as a song of ascents. They are also called Pilgrim songs. Psalm 131 is one of them.

Psalm 131
1. Humble submission before the LORD (v1).
2. Calmed and rested in the LORD (v2).
3. Hope in the LORD forever (v3).

1. Humble submission before the LORD (v1)

This humility does not imply low self-esteem; rather, it advises against acting as if we were stronger, smarter, or more superior than we actually are. It prevents us from having an exaggerated view of the self that may lead to self-delusion and deception.
We submit to God, giving up our ego, resisting the temptation of our self-sufficiency and our desire to act in spite of our limitations, knowing that He is God and He is in control.

2. Calmed and rested in the LORD (v2)

The Psalmist has calmed and quieted himself.
He placed himself in the care of God who is forever trustworthy, just like a weaned child on its mother. The psalmist is content, being with God and he rests in Him, trusting that God will take care of Him.
God’s tender care for His people: Deuteronomy 1: 30 – 31, Isaiah 46: 3 – 4

Reflection: What do you need to relinquish so that you may submit to God, quiet yourself and rest in Him peacefully as His child?

3. Hope in the LORD forever (v3)

The psalmist encourages the faith community to put their hope in the Lord both now and forever. In such relationship with God, we can experience a real hope and fullness of life as a community of faith, and point others around us to God.
Reference Psalm 130: 7 – 8


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