Sunday Morning Worship Service – 16th March 2025

Speaker: Rev Gaurri Maniam
Sermon Title: The Vindication of God’s Faithful People
Scripture Text: Daniel 8

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The Main Idea: Despite the rise and fall of earthly kingdoms, God will ultimately restore His people and His temple.


The Vision: The ram, the goat and the stern face man.

The ram represents the Medo-Persian empire.
The goat represents the Greek empire
The stern face man represents Antiochus IV.

Our takeaway
* God is all-knowing
* God is sovereign
* God is faithful

Final Word
Be encouraged, do not lose heart tho evil may seem to prosper because God will come through to us

Reflection Question
1. How does the three attributes of God encourage you in your walk with Him?
2. Do you find yourself in a difficult situation? Share and encourage one another to be steadfast.



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