Sunday Morning Worship Service – 13th Aug 2023

Speaker: Rev Gaurri Maniam
Sermon Title: The Mystery of God’s Mercy
Scripture Text: Jonah 1: 1 – 10

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When God bestows mercy – He is withholding from us the wrath or punishment that our sins so deserve and at the same time giving us the grace that we so desperately need in our lives.


I. Jonah commissioned by God

II. Jonah flees God

III. Jonah being pursued by God

Final Word

The storms in our lives are an act of mercy. Trust in Him even when you are being tossed by the waves of the storms of life.

Reflection Questions
1. Were you ever in a conflict or disagreement with God? How did you respond?
2. Reflect about the storms that have happened/is happening in your life. What is God teaching you through it


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