Prayer List: 4th – 5th Feb 2023

Sunday, (Feb 5) – Righteousness in the eyes of Jesus means being in a right relationship with God that leads to right conduct. Praise and give thanks to God that we are able to be in a right relationship with Him in and through our Lord Jesus Christ. Pray that we would allow God to transform us deeply so that we may strive to live our lives in a right manner. Pray that our lives as disciples of Jesus would indeed glorify God. Pray that in all that we do, we will seek to be a witness for Jesus.

Monday, (Feb 6) – We want to pray for all those of our youths who are facing school examinations. Pray that God would lead our youths and as well as our children in their studies. Pray that our children and youths will not neglect their quiet time with God even in the midst of preparing for their exams. Pray for a deeper trust in Jesus as our younger generation prepare for what’s ahead of them. Pray that God would teach our youths to surrender and entrust their future careers into God’s mighty hand.

Tuesday, (Feb 7) – Pray for the Lord to humble us, acknowledging the dangers of the sin of pride, and living our lives with a posture of humility, seeking to respond to those who oppose us politically, personally, or spiritually. In light of the rising cases of mental health issues, please pray that the Lord will equip us to provide resources (financial or spiritual guidance) to those suffering from anxiety, depression, or any other mental health issue. Pray for God to provide an extra measure of grace as we work through our past pain, forgive ourselves, and progress toward becoming the Christ-like examples that God desires for his people.

Wednesday, (Feb 8) – Pray for our church Local Conference that is held tomorrow night. Pray for God’s presence be among the pastor and leaders at the conference, as they gather to hear from God and commit the plans to Him who alone can establish our steps. Pray for God’s wisdom to be upon Rev Ashok Amarasingham, as he presides at District 2 local conferences as a District Superintendent. Pray for all the District Superintendents and Local Conferences under TRAC that God will reveal His plans to the churches with His guidance and blessings and they will hear in submission to Him.

Thursday, (Feb 9) – TRAC Board of Christian Education – Pray and commit to the Lord the upcoming Webinar on Salvation: Saved for Good?. Pray for the speaker, Bishop Dr. Gordon Wong as he prepares to speak on this important topic of our faith. Pray for good participation from the churches in TRAC. Pray for a sense of openness and eagerness to learn in the hearts of our people as they register for this webinar. Pray also for the webinar to be carried out smoothly with minimum hindrances and hiccups.

Friday, (Feb 10) – Pray for the Nation : Pray for a paradigm shift in our nation to become a reality, so that the people can truly experience God’s righteousness, justice, and love reigning in this land, in light of the Prime Minister’s commitment to promote fairness and justice for all without exception. Pray for the rakyat’s well-being in the face of global economic and geopolitical challenges so that the goals of sustainable domestic economic recovery and inflation containment can be achieved through effective policy formulation and implementation, as well as good governance. Continue to pray for our country’s political, social, moral, and spiritual climate to be cleansed.

Saturday (Feb 11) – Pray for the World: Pray for Myanmar. Pray for peace, justice and nonviolence in the country. Ask God for His intervention in the country that every person’s life and their rights are protected. Pray for the churches that God will reveal Himself to them so that their faith will be strengthened and encouraged to continue to intercede for their country. Pray for Rohingya refugees and for compassion from the international community to help them to find a solution to their homelessness.

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