Praise God For…Our Church 110th Anniversary

As we celebrate our 110th Church Anniversary, what does God have to say about our priorities …

We hear a lot of talk these days about priorities, and such talk is warranted. After all, whether we realize it or not, every daily activity we engage in reflects our priorities like a mirror. Some companies even set up workshops on this issue and pay their employees to attend.

Well, if the prophet Haggai had led one such workshop, he would have had a lesson prepared about priorities. Listen to what he said to the people coming back from years in captivity in Babylon: “Don’t take care of your own house,” he warned. “Rebuild God’s house first.” Now, Haggai wasn’t just talking about physical structures here. His references didn’t only relate to bricks and mortar. He was telling the people to never put their personal desires, goals, aspirations, even their marriages and families ahead of God. What does your day planner look like?

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