Training & Equipping

We believe that it is every member’s responsibility to learn and to improve themselves spiritually. Klang Wesley recognizes that formal and structured courses are an effective way of ensuring that all members are firmly grounded in the Word of God. Our courses can broadly be categorized as :

  • In-house training – where our trainers are our own members and
  • External courses – where trained facilitators and trainers are brought in to conduct courses.
  • Seminars – conducted at various times throughout the year.

Adult Discipleship Class (In house)

  • My New Life
  • Membership & Baptism Class (Adults & Youths)
  • Understanding the Bible
  • Bible Study Principles 1 & 2
  • Prayer Class
    • Prayer as a lifestyle
    • Spiritual Warfare
    • Moving in the gifts of the Spirit
  • Freedom in Christ
  • Experiencing God
  • Evangelism Explosion Semester
  • XEE
  • Alpha Course
  • The Marriage Course
  • Walking in Health
  • Discovering Disciplines
  • 7 Stages of Spiritual Growth

External Courses

  • MissionsKairos Course
  • Institute of Christian Ministry – Public Lectures, Spiritual Formation
  • Prayer
  • Leadership


  • Leadership
  • Prayer
  • Prophetic
  • End Times
  • Parenting
  • Marriage
  • Family
  • Mentoring
  • Community Works
  • Missions

  1. Adult Discipleship Class (In house)

    • My New Life
    • Membership & Baptism Class (Adults & Youths)
    • Prayer Class
    • Freedom in Christ
    • Experiencing God
    • Evangelism Explosion Semester
    • XEE
    • Alpha Course
    • The Marriage Course

  1. External Courses

    • MissionsKairos Course
    • Institute of Christian Ministry – Public Lectures, Spiritual Formation
    • Prayer
    • Leadership

To find out more about our training courses :