Bathsheba (2 Samuel 11: 1-5, 12: 11-19) King David gives into sin and sleeps with Bathsheba, another man’s wife. Bathsheba was the object of King David’s desire. Did she feel pressured because he was King or was she a willing participant? We don’t know, but through her story, we see that sin has BIG consequences for King
David. Life Lesson: The consequences of sin outweigh the pleasures of sin.
Woman of Faith (Matthew 9: 20-22) The woman we meet in Scripture has been ill for 12 years. Undoubtedly, she has tried everything to address her illness, but nothing has worked. She hears about Jesus and becomes convinced that He can help her if she can just get close enough to touch His cloak.
Through her tenacity, she gets to Jesus and touches Him. He feels the energy transfer between Him and the sick woman and tells her that her faith has healed her. Life Lesson: Connecting with God and having an attitude that is full of faith is the answer to all of our problems.
Mary and Martha (Luke 10: 38-42) Martha is focused on the wrong thing. She is distracted by that which is insignificant. She has Jesus at her house. This is a once in a lifetime type opportunity to learn from Him…but she is focusing on the wrong things. We, too, worry about things we shouldn’t be concerned about. We are distracted too. Our focus should be on God. Life Lesson: Don’t worry about insignificant things. Focus your attention of learning more about God.
Lydia (Acts 16: 13-15) Lydia was willing to receive the Word of God and when she did, her family responded too and opened their hearts. Her household was baptized into Christ because she, first, responded to the Word of God. Life Lesson: Worried about your family and their lack of a relationship with God? Be like Lydia. Continue to be an example for them to follow.
Woman Caught in Adultery (John 8: 1-11) The woman who was caught in adultery was to be punished by being stoned to death. When Jesus asked for the person without sin to cast the first stone, no one could condemn the woman. We all have sinned. We should not harshly judge others. Jesus does not condemn us, but He expects for us to leave sin alone. Life Lesson: Do not
condemn or judge others. Christ has mercy on all of us. We all have the right to forgiveness. However, the Lord fully expects us to leave sin alone and do our very best to live a godly life as He has outlined in His Word.