Our heart dictates to a great extent how we live because we always find time to do what we enjoy. “Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life.” (Proverbs 4: 23)
Here, Solomon is telling us to guard our hearts above all else, making sure we concentrate on those desires that will keep us on the right path.
Please always make sure our affections lead us in the right direction. Let us put boundaries on our desires. We should not go after everything we see. It’s time to look straight ahead, keeping our eyes fixed on our goal. We must not get sidetracked on detours.
What is it that we may be suffering from?
Physically – A heart attack? A weak heart?
Spiritually – A broken heart? A hard heart?
Sick hearts will physically kill us if it is not detected it time and treated.
It is a big mistake to dwell on our appearances and neglect our character. BIG MISTAKE!
After all, when all is said and done – 1 Samuel 16: 7 – “Man looks at the outward appearance, but The Lord looks at the heart.” Stop judging by appearance alone. God judges by faith and character, not appearances. for that we should be truly grateful! While everyone can see our faces, only we and God know what our hearts really look like. The Bible acts like a mirror – when was the last time you looked at it? Why? Because it shows us the condition of our heart at any given moment. Time to be honest with ourselves.
So, how is our heart today?
What kind of thoughts are we entertaining?
Are we constantly comparing and resenting?
Do I get upset easily?
Do we take offense too easily?
Do we silence or spread gossip?
We have to go to the heart of our problems and stop sweeping them under the carpet. Going to the heart of our problems will show us the problem of our heart.
We need to get our hearts right with God so we can be on prayer answering ground with Him as long as we walk with Him.
So friend, how is our heart today?
And also for the rest of our days on this earth?