Pastor Ashok aka "Mr Sporting" just before getting "baptized"!
Watta fantabulous (yes, wrong spellings on spell check!) Family Day 2012 we had today despite the hazy conditions that Klang is currently experiencing. Even as early as 8am there was a sizable number gathered at Wesley School. I promised the Organizers that I will sit on the hot spot chair in the Water Dunk area! The excuses (good ones) I gave initially were that I had to host my invited guests (PTL, they came at 940am and the older girl at 4years old thoroughly enjoyed herself especially in the kids trampoline cum slide area. In fact Benjamin Tan has potential Lay Leader qualities as he introduced himself to the little girl: What is your name? You can call me Benjamin Tan. {as witnessed by our maid, Ros}. The little girl being a bit shy held her hand to her mouth and chuckled. Don’t you think kids are so cute and can make you howl in laughter!!) and another excuse, I have to drop Mum, Aunty Rachel and Ros back home at 1111am.
Well, well I got back to Wesley School almost at noon…plenty of time for Water Dunk! I quit after 5 minutes and about 5 water dunks…say what, the kids were pretty accurate in hitting the target. BTW, Leonard and Wee Wee, my faithful ministry leaders were in the queue to dunk their beloved pastor! The first time I sank to the base of the tub was scary…as I didn’t hold my breath (not a swimmer, lah). To all who sat on the hot seat…Kudos, especially if you were dunked multiple times!! You are great sports.
Everything ran smoothly albeit one BB Boy who fell from the Mountain Climb and injured his leg (latest: thank our God that it is not serious and he is okay). Many church folk worked very hard not just since yesterday but even after the closure of Family Day at 1pm ie with the cleaning up. I want to personally thank Organizing Chairman, Nicholas Ong for the splendid task accomplished by his team. These are part of my very high points in many years of pastoral ministry. We work hard for Family Day because we want to make our guests, friends and children feel they are very special and loved. You may not feel that one day is much but tell you what… some of them really don’t get occasions where they feel special and where their children are entertained so well. In our IT/computer crazy generation, we need to provide our kids with outdoor, physical fun…and show them that adults love them and Klang Wesley is a children-welcoming church in line with the heartbeat of Jesus: for the Son of Man came to seek and to save what was lost (Luke 19:10).
I can say so many more things but perhaps a 5 minute video presentation in church will paint a better picture. To sum up, Thank You Jesus for answering our prayers and Making Family Day 2012 so special and very finally thank you, my dear friends of Klang Wesley for your part in it.
Grace & Peace,
Pastor Ashok Amarasingham.