Do It With A Smile!

I heard a story once, of a chaplain who was speaking to a loyal soldier in the hospital. “Bless you son, you saved a fellow soldier’s life – and lost an arm in the great cause doing it,” the chaplain said. “No,” said the soldier with a smile. “I didn’t lose it … I gave it.”

We have so much. The Lord has blessed many of us with good health, the use of our eyes, ears, mouths, hands, feet and minds. He’s given us various talents of sorts. He’s blessed many of us with homes, cars and good paying jobs. Most importantly, He’s bestowed upon us the wonderful knowledge of His Son, Jesus.

We are all soldiers in God’s great army. In the same way this young soldier gave his arm to save a life, we should be offering our gifts toward God’s great cause of salvation for the world.

Let’s make it a point to start giving consistently of the gifts God has given us, whatever they may be. After all, Jesus did not lose His life – He gave it purposely for us, no strings attached. And there’s so much work to be done!            (Source Unknown)

“Lord, we have so much. Most of us have food, shelter, people who love us, jobs, nice clothes to wear, safety, and opportunities for growth and development. May we never take Your good gifts for granted. Help us to use our position of relative luxury to meet the needs of those less fortunate. Amen.”

(World Vision: Prayer For Christian Generosity)

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