Church Camp 2011 – The Race of Life

Theme : The Race of Life

Date : August 27 ~ 30, 2011

Venue :  Permaisuri Resort, Port Dickson

Introduction to the LifeGame

LiFEgame is a creative simulation game of life that seeks to provide an environment for participants to discover God’s purposes for their lives in this world.

A “make-believe” world is set up in a camp or retreat environment where participants are given the opportunity to live out their whole lives however they wish. Starting at age 15, they begin to pursue their dream, get an education, find a job, buy their first car, purchase a house, get married, raise a family and climb the ladder of success. Every hour they will age 5 years, and they have to take care of their personal needs like food, clothing, health, etc. Like in real-life they may face health problems, accidents, fines or even death as a result. No one knows how long they will live. Some might die prematurely while others may retire at a ripe old age before they meet their creator in person.

LiFEgame is about living life and that’s where the reality of the real world sets in. Eventually, each participant question, “What’s the point of life?” and that is the whole point of the LiFEgame – an opportunity to discover God’s purpose of living.

The LiFEgame is designed to help participants to discover God’s purpose for living. Our speaker will preach a series of messages on “THE RACE OF LIFE” and will challenge the participants to:

… commit to Christ for SALVATION,
… commit to living a life after CHRIST-GIVEN PURPOSES,
… commit to being a MESSENGER OF Christ, and
… commit to serving Christ FULL TIME in ministry

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Glimpses of Permaisuri Resort

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