An Imperishable Inheritance

Human beings have a fundamental need to feel safe and secure. But anytime we base our sense of security on the things of this world, we can expect disappointment. This is especially true when it comes to our finances. We are living in very uncertain times of high unemployment and diminishing retirement accounts. Our money can quickly fly away no matter how   carefully   we   plan   and guard it. At times like this, we need to remember our eternal future.

Isn’t it wonderful to know that believers have an inheritance in heaven that never depreciates and cannot be stolen? It was given to us when we placed our hope in Christ and will never be taken away because it’s reserved and protected for us in heaven. Someday, when we see Jesus face to face, we will enjoy all the riches of God’s grace and receive the fullness of our inheritance.

But did you know that every day we live on this earth, we have an opportunity to build up that inheritance by investing in the things the Lord values and credits to our account? That’s what Jesus was talking about when He said, “Store up for yourselves treasures in heaven” (Matt. 6:20). Whenever we live righteously in obedience to God, we’re adding to our inheritance

Are you more concerned with investments in this life than with everlasting riches? It’s easy to let daily demands and responsibilities overshadow the importance of building our eternal inheritance. Take time each day to refocus your mind and heart. Then start sending up some heavenly treasures.


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