Advent A Season of Hope and Anticipation

Today is the First Sunday in the season of ADVENT.

ADVENT means “coming”. It is a time of expectant waiting and preparation for the celebration of the birth of Jesus at Christmas.

One of the great joys of the Advent season is that we’re not only celebrating the birth of our Lord. This season is more than just celebration for what happened in the past. As we remember and celebrate the birth of our Lord we look forward to a second Advent, when our Lord will once again come to us.

But what are we to do in the meantime? We are to be faithful and dwell in the light of salvation that comes through Jesus Christ. Living in the light means we are never without hope. We are never far from our Lord, who keeps us with Him at all times. We are to encourage each other to keep to a life lived in the light, because our Lord Jesus Christ is our past, present, and future. As we observe Advent let us remember that we celebrate a glorious past event which holds strong in the present and looks to the future with great excitement and hope

Dearest Lord Jesus, as we remember Your birth we look ahead to the day when You will come to us again. We wait with great anticipation, and as we wait we pray for the strength to be faithful and to hold onto You even when it seems easier to let You go. We love You. Amen.


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