Recorded Live Streaming Worship Service – 27th Sept 2020

Title: Helping Those in Conflict within the Body of Christ
Scripture: Philippians 4: 2 – 9
Preacher: Rev Ashok Amarasingham

1) Introduction

1.1 Paul understood the value of friendship – with Christ and his fellow disciples.

1.2 Focus for Today
When conflict (between two parties) in church goes awry, mature leaders get involved to restore the relationship (uniting hearts & minds) to pursue loving God and others again.

2) Conflicts Damage Church Unity which is Mandatory for Pursuing God’s Vision for Evangelism & Discipleship

2.1 Paul just ended chapter 3 on dealing with external threats (like the Judaisers) with the poignant summary of standing firm in the Lord (4:1)

2.2 However, suddenly Paul entreats two women (by name) who are in conflict in the church: Agree in the Lord (4:2).

2.3 Paul requested help from “loyal yokefellow”, Clement and others – to be agents of unity ie help the women to reconcile.

2.4 Practical Application

2.4.1 The best path to reconciliation & unity in conflict is still one to one communication.

2.4.2 Pastor Randy Pope on the difference between “heart forgiveness” & “expressed forgiveness”. Heart forgiveness (based on Mark 11:25)
* “Whenever you stand praying, forgive, if you have anything against anyone, so that your your Father who is in heaven, will also forgive your transgressions.

* Vertical Relationship with God – we have no choice whatsoever but only pray to God (eg God, I forgive Ms C for lying to me and cheating me)

* Jesus prayed: Father, forgive them for they know not what they do (Luke 23:34)

* but what happens if the offender (Ms C) wilfully knows and offends you, without any repentance? Expressed Forgiveness (Luke 17: 3-4)
* “If your brother sins, rebuke him, and if he repents, forgive him. And if he sins against you seven times a day, and returns to you seven times, saying “I repent”, forgive him.

* Hebrews 10: 26-31 warns Christians of deliberately sinning that will mean profaning the precious sacrifice of Christ and putting into contempt the gift of salvation for us – facing God’s judgement.

* we cannot express forgiveness to an offender (say Ms C) who refuses to take the responsibility for his or her own sin.

* Pastor Randy Pope’s father told him: For deserting your mother and you (for someone else)…you will surely forgive me because you are a Christian, right?

2.4.3 When the church leaders must get involved in restoring two injured parties (and not “sweep things under the carpet”).

* some useful pointers for church leaders (mediators)…

3) Helping Self in Internal Conflict: Anxiety

3.1 Anxiety is powerful. The NT Greek (merimnao) means to be unduly worried (4:6)

3.2 The only person who can us with anxiety is God (4:6).

3.3 Practical Application
* Do you believe in God’s divine peace – always available to us?

4) Conclusion/Summary

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