Prepare The Way

John the Baptist had a very important message to bring to the people: “The King is coming!”

In those days, if the king was coming to your town, you’d go over your town with a fine-tooth comb. You’d fill in the potholes. You’d fix the bumps in the road. You’d put a fresh coat of paint on the city gates.

You’d make sure that everything was ready for the day of his arrival.

But John is calling the people to get ready for the arrival of an even more important king – Jesus. And the preparation wasn’t about roads and city gates. It was about preparing their hearts. John called them to repentance, that their sins might be forgiven.

It’s easy to get distracted by the preparations needed for all the parties, Christmas dinners, gift-giving, and even the Christmas events in church. That’s why it’s imperative that we also take time to make sure that our hearts are hospitable for the King of kings and Lord of lords.

Dear Lord, turn Your spotlight upon my heart today. Reveal the cracks in my life, the habits that are speed bumps to the Holy Spirit, and the addictions that are like potholes in my service to You. Help me prepare my heart to be a suitable throne room for You. Amen.


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