God has blessed you. Count your blessings. But don’t stop there. You are blessed to be a blessing. God’s intention is that all the nations of the earth should be blessed by the actions of God’s people. Who have you blessed recently?
If this church was suddenly destroyed and all its members scattered, would God see a need to rebuild it? Are there groups outside the church that would say, “Well, how are we possibly going to get along without this church to help us?” I hope they would. For some churches in some communities, no one outside the church would even notice their absence.
God is working the salvation of the world through us. It’s our job. The Jews were not chosen by God for special privilege, but for special service. It is the same for Christians and for anybody else who receives God’s blessing. Don’t hoard it…spread it. Don’t pay it back, pay it forward. For every material blessing you have received, for the gift of talent or health or land or a kind and loving spirit, for the good news of the love of God in Jesus Christ…whatever it is, you were given that blessing in order that you might use it to bless others.
But please don’t hear this as saying that we cannot enjoy any of the blessings we receive–that we only look at the gourmet meal from the outside and never taste any of it. Some Christians make that mistake, thinking their own lives are to be barren while they give everything to others. No, it is a much more gracious plan than that. It is like the miracle of the loaves and fishes. As we share the blessing we have, the blessing grows and multiplies until everyone present…including us…is satisfied and there are huge amounts of leftovers still.
It’s the basic lesson we learned in kindergarten. Share. One toy lovingly and willingly shared creates community. One toy hoarded creates tears and temper tantrums. Wealth and resources that are lovingly and willingly shared creates a grateful and peaceful world. Wealth and resources that are stockpiled and hoarded leads to poverty and war. For those who do not profess faith, there is no rule. But for those who look to the Bible for guidance, it couldn’t be more clear. Enjoy God’s blessings, count them one by one. Then pass them on wherever they are needed that through God’s people all the nations of the earth should be blessed. (ANNE ROBERTSON)