Sunday Morning Worship Service – 7th July 2024

Speaker: Rev Gaurri Maniam
Sermon Title: The Call to Forgive and Embrace
Scripture Text: Philemon 8 – 25

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Forgiveness is something that we need in life because all of us have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. (Romans 3: 23)

Paul appeals to Philemon on the basis of love.

The grace of God is able to transform our lives.

We all need a “Barnabas” in our lives who believes and trust that the grace of God can indeed transform us.

In his appeal to Philemon, Paul embodies what Christ has done for him.

Final Word
Let us be ready to forgive and embrace people!

Reflection Question
1. As you reflect on your life, how has God brought about changes/transformation in your life.
2. Do you have a “Barnabas” in your life? Who can you be a “Barnabas” to?
3. Is there anyone reaching out to you for forgiveness? Are you able to forgive?



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