Rooted In Christ

Though hidden from the human eye, roots are the most vital parts of every plant. Without strong and deep roots, a plant will eventually die. Spiritually, the implications are quite similar. When we neglect to deepen the roots of our faith – when we take for granted our relationship with the Lord, our faith becomes shallow and superficial. That’s why Paul says, “just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live in Him…” (Colossians 2:6)

A story was told about a man who went to his doctor and said, “Doctor, my wife and I have been fighting so much because I am having such a hard time doing household chores.” When the doctor finished his examination, the man said, “Now, Doc, tell me in plain simple English what is wrong.” The doctor replied,” Well, in plain English, you’re just lazy.” After a long silence, the man said, “Now Doc, can you give me a sophisticated medical term for that so that I can tell my wife?”

You see, friends, just like this man, many of us makes excuses for our laziness in matters of our faith. We are too busy with our family and career. We don’t like the Pastor or person handling the Bible Study class. We are too sickly. And the list goes on and on.

When we are spiritually lazy, we fail to develop fundamental and basic disciplines that will help us get through this life. Worse, we pass on to our children and grandchildren, a very shallow and casual view of a Christianity that Christ Himself never taught.

The fact is that we don’t see the consequences of these things immediately. Life can actually go on smoothly and normally for some time. But when the storms of life start coming – when the waters begin rising and when the winds start pounding strong against us and our family, those who have neglected their faith are shaken, overwhelmed and uprooted.


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